My story
As a recovering perfectionistic overachiever and changemaker, my journey has been one of gradually shifting from operating from fear to serving from love and ever-deepening trust in life in a time between worlds.
Along the way, I’ve been learning to open to our innate resourcefulness, find greater freedom from the inner critic, see and be a mirror for the goodness in others, let in the love already here, break through the trance of unworthiness, free my authentic voice, embrace joy, playfulness, and ease, and open to life-affirming possibilities.
“May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.”
- Rainer Maria Rilke
Reality is my greatest teacher
A German/American who grew up mostly between Germany, France, and the US, I was conditioned by a traumatized culture that valued achievement and economic progress over personal and planetary wellbeing. I was a curious, creative, and highly sensitive child fascinated by the mystery of life. Feeling like a misfit both at home and in school, I spent a lot of time reading, writing stories, drawing, playing outside, and escaping into imaginary worlds. The challenging circumstances of my childhood called me to embark on a path of personal and spiritual development starting when I was 13.
On the outside, I was a successful over-achiever and changemaker.
I learned to play the game early and did everything I could to exceed others’ expectations. I was good at sports, got straight As, went to an Ivy League college, won awards and fellowships, gained membership in influential global networks, and traveled and worked across the world doing social impact and systems change work to do both “good and well.” While my intentions were good, my conditioned ways of being and working were not in full alignment and congruence with my vision for a more beautiful and just world.
On the inside, I was at war with myself and stuck in the ice of perfection.
I was at odds with myself - a Part of me was questioning the game the whole time, another helped me stuff down my deep sense of something being off and misaligned to keep pushing forward. I was stuck in the ice of perfection. I was working to optimize and improve myself and every area of my life believing there was a “best” or “right” way for everything. I was my own worst enemy and critic and was also judging others for not living up to my standards. I was overworking and never fully allowing myself to rest. I felt a lot of pressure to perform and was afraid to fail. I was caught in overanalyzing decisions and strategizing next steps. I was convinced that love, belonging, and worthiness were conditional based on me being “good” and “perfect.” I felt rigid, tense, frozen, and overly controlled in my body. It felt hard to breathe freely, share my voice, and relax fully. I was selectively hiding parts of myself in different contexts and concerned to let my whole self be seen. I was afraid that if people could truly see me and knew my story, they may find me too deep, too much, not enough, etc. and reject me. I was resigned to not finding the love and connection I was longing for.
After years of trying to control life and fix myself and the world, I could no longer push away the insistent call to come wildly alive and into full alignment.
I felt burnt out, empty, lonely, and disconnected from aliveness and a sense of possibility. I knew I had to find another way… I became acutely aware of the metacrisis, the multiple overlapping global crises we’re facing, of which I believe our current way of being human is the root cause. The way we understand and relate to ourselves, each other, and the planet is unsustainable and doesn’t unlock our deepest human potential for flourishing. Due to the effects of multi-generational trauma, we are not in touch with our True Nature, don’t recognize our interconnectedness, and are out of sync with the natural unfolding of our planet.
With the support of wise teachers, coaches, and peers, I learned to become intimate with and befriend everything inside of myself.
Exploring the depths of our humanity, I realized that who we are is really good news. I learned to open to the deep well of resourcefulness, creativity, brilliance, and love that’s our birthright. We each have a unique way of expressing our innate wholeness and gifts to bring to life. By becoming intimate with and attuning to the truth, beauty, and goodness of what’s inside, we can gradually become more integrated and discover a treasure trove of inner resources. Finding true home in myself, I realized I’m already whole and there’s nothing missing and nothing to fix in who I am as a human being. I have exactly what it takes to meet life as it is. I found more freedom from my professional and personal identities and realized living more and more from presence is the greatest gift I can offer. I’ve found more ease, flow, and intimacy of connection with others and a deep sense of innate belonging that’s never at stake. I’ve become less attached to how the world needs to be “improved” and changed while feeling more resourced and capable to be with and accept things exactly as they are which has facilitated shifts in perspective on perceived “problems” and spontaneous unfolding.
I realized I don’t have to figure everything out and mastermind it all. Life is trying to do its work through me. What’s mine to do is to listen, follow the call, and playfully participate in the unfolding.
I’ve come to experience myself and others as a continuously unfolding mystery. Learning to trust life and be all of who I am has steadily allowed me to create and receive the wildly abundant life I couldn’t imagine was possible.
My work
Throughout my career, I’ve been called to create a context for individual and collective transformation as a certified developmental executive / leadership / life coach, facilitator and experience designer, mindfulness teacher, organizational change consultant, community weaver, and systems change strategist toward a more beautiful, true, and good future. I seek to listen and be a channel for what wants to flow from the mystery into form and action in service to life.
I bring 15 years of experience at the intersections of leadership, personal, and spiritual development, entrepreneurship and startups, organizational and systems change, and research and human-centered design. I've been fortunate to work with thousands of individuals and dozens of organizations globally, including mission-driven startups, leading universities, high impact nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies.
As a workshop and retreat facilitator and designer, I have led hourlong, daylong, and multi-day experiences fostering cognitive, relational, emotional, and somatic skills for individuals, teams, and communities.
As an executive / leadership / life coach, I’ve had the privilege to accompany 100+ visionary and heart-centered founders, servant leaders, changemakers, creatives, and fellow developmental coaches, teachers, and spiritual practitioners in unlocking and bringing their innate wholeness and brilliance to life.
As a leadership assessment consultant, I’ve cultivated a perspective on the kind of leader the world needs having observed common patterns in leadership styles, constructive and counterproductive behaviors, and organizational dynamics across industries after conducting 1,000+ feedback interviews for 100+ executive clients at organizations such as Capital One, R1, Invitae, The Invus Group, and Harvard Business School.
As a systems change strategist and organizational change consultant, I’ve worked with Ashoka, the largest network of systems change oriented social entrepreneurs and changemakers, and led Changemaker Campus Selection, Ashoka U’s core institutional change methodology, supporting intrapreneurial educators and their teams through a collaborative, accessible multi-year process that advanced innovative, socially-oriented institutional strategies and programs across almost two dozen colleges and universities globally.
In my free time, I love hiking and being outside during golden hour, traveling, having deep conversations, dancing, yoga and Pilates, reading/writing poetry, photography, appreciating good design, and making tasty plant-based meals. In 2024, I’ve become an unexpected singer-songwriter (without prior songwriting or singing experience) when original dharma songs came through me in deep meditation during a recent monthlong retreat. I collaborated with my friend and music producer Jared Lucas / RELATA to release my first album “Modern Mantras” under my artist name Joy For No Reason.
My Lineage & Training
I’m German/American born to German parents and grew up mostly between southwestern Germany, Paris, and southwestern Florida. I’ve lived and worked across the US, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. I’m currently based in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
A highly sensitive child, I first discovered self-development, the dharma, and mindfulness through books when I was 13 years old. I’ve been practicing inner work and meditation ever since. I have a daily meditation practice and have spent 150+ days on (long) silent retreats.
Acutely aware of the metacrisis and this planetary moment, I’ve been in search of and exploring the most effective integrative practices to support psychological and spiritual development to navigate this time between worlds and facilitate systems transformation.
I'm a Certified Integral Coach through New Ventures West and a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
I’ve been training in Integral Unfoldment with Steve March, founder of Aletheia, since 2020. I’ve completed the Advanced Coaching Program (ACP) Levels 1-3 and am currently completing Level 4. The approach integrates parts work primarily inspired by IFS (unfolding defensive and vulnerable parts both conversationally and somatically), process work primarily inspired by Focusing (unfolding felt senses and imaginal felt images), presence work primarily inspired by the Diamond Approach (unfolding innate wholeness and its qualities and resources), and non-dual work and meditation primarily inspired by nondual coaching and psychotherapy, Buddhist Kalachakra Tantra, and Advaita Vedanta (unfolding ultimate freedom). I’ve also completed the Advanced Group Coaching Program Level 1 . I’ve supported ACP Level 1 as a TA and serve as a Home Group host for Level 1 and Level 2.
I'm a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach's Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program (MMTCP) and a Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Professional Level (CMT-P) through the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. I’m receiving ongoing mentorship from James Baraz, Co-Founder of Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
I’m training in Planetary Dharma with John and Nicole Churchill. I’ve trained with Thomas Huebl in transparent communication and collective trauma healing. I’ve also been trained in Learning as Leadership’s ego-free leadership methodology.
I have a BA with Honors in Anthropology modified with Economics, Summa Cum Laude, from Dartmouth College.
I'm grateful to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, an Ashoka alumna, a StartingBloc Fellow, a member of Sandbox, a global network of changemakers, and a founding member of the MMTCP Alumni Association.